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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  December 25, 2012 8:00am-9:00am PST

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is to other people, you know. daring rescues in frigid waters. >> i can't see anything! i need help! >> massive floods.
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>> oh, my god. >> it was unbelievable just how quickly that the water was moving. >> and danger at sea. >> absolutely life threatening situation. >> get ready to get wet. catching air and crashing cars. falling in. >> it was a real quick, violent crash. >> and flying out. >> my gosh! >> when it comes to the power of water, expect the unexpected. "caught on camera: wet and wild." hello. i'm contessa brewer. welcome to "caught on camera." water is a force to be reckoned with. we learned as children never to
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turn our backs on a wave. but there are countless other ways to be caught unprepared. in our first story, a burst water main wreaks havoc on a cold winter morning. motorists trapped in their vehicles when a flood turns roadways into rivers. >> could have killed many people. >> the waters rise so quickly that drivers are unable to escape. among those stranded in the current are a mother with her 9-year-old son. >> i can't see anything! i need help! >> ma'am, we're on our way. >> december 23rd, 2008. an aging water main ruptures in bethesda, maryland, sending a wall of water down a busy road and turning the commute into a nightmare for drivers. firefighters at station 10 are
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just pulling out. unaware of critical situations nearby. they immediately get stuck in traffic backed up from the flood. >> we actually thought we might have had a trash truck or something on fire. that's when we were met with about a four foot high wall of water hitting the fire truck. it hit the truck so hard we thought it was going to blow the window out of the truck. >> accustomed to the role, the firefighters find themselves in a precarious position. >> for the first few minutes we weren't the rescuers. >> from the base of the hill they see several cars trapped in the raging waters. >> i made the initial radio transmission to communications and said we're going to need water rescue, manpower. we knew time was not on our side at that point. >> the 66 inch water main break is pouring thousands of gallons of water down the hill. the firefighters need to act fast.
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>> our plan of attack was to use the fire truck as sort of a barrier between us and any debris that was coming down the road and try to make a bit of a safe area. >> the rescuers work their way up stream to reach the first car. >> got to the lady. she was pretty panicked. she had water in her car. i remember her looking at me and she was screaming. she said i can't swim. i joked and said i can't either. but we're not planning on swimming. >> he manages to get the woman to safety. meanwhile another response team has arrived on the scene. and is attempting a rescue from the top of the hill. >> the water was moving extremely fast, faster than i've seen it move on a roadway before. we guesstimated at 30 knots which is probably 40 miles an hour. >> they decide to try a tricky rescue maneuver by boat. >> when we do this type of operation, we have a high line. we tie a large rope between a telephone pole and tree.
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>> the rescue efforts are tense and they nearly capsize in the frigid water. >> water was really moving. we were swept off our feet two or three times. >> they're eventually successful. but the firefighters are struggling to reach the mother and her young son. still trapped in their vehicle. >> it's moving backwards. >> are you out of the water now ma'am? >> no. they're coming. >> the firefighters battle the current for several agonizing minutes. >> the force of the water is tremendous. at 18 inches or so it was taking your feet out from underneath you. the amount of debris coming down the street was probably the biggest hazard at that point. i mean, you had 200 to 300 pound chunks coming at you. you had to dodge them. >> with the water levels rising
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and without further resources, they're forced to retreat. >> that's when we saw the police helicopter come in to do part of the rescue. >> sergeant nathan wilock is in the hangar when he receives the call for a hoist rescue. >> a hoist rescue is by far the most dangerous of our operations. and it is a last resort. when you cannot access somebody by ground or by any other means. >> as they approach, news choppers capture footage of the landscape. it's barely recognizable. >> when my pilot turned that corner to go up what used to be river road and was now a rushing river itself, there were nine cars trapped in the middle of this water that had absorbed the roadway. >> it's an extremely dangerous situation for a helicopter rescue. but it's the best chance of saving the stranded victims. >> we were five to ten feet away
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from trees on one side, a cable dangling between power lines. getting close to trees. either of them were extremely dangerous. electricity or a cable. one or the other, we were in a tight location. >> there's no time to lose. it's a bitter 20 degrees out and the icy waters are taking a toll. even worse, the wind from the helicopter and force of the water make it too dangerous to lower anyone down for a rescue assist. so it's up to the mother to get herself and her young son into the basket. >> we need help! >> ma'am just try to stay calm. they're coming to you. okay? >> every time the basket touched the water, it was throwing it from the car. she was trying to climb through the window and still maintain to get into the basket. we were concerned if she didn't make it into the basket that she was going to get washed away. >> the basket is now covered in
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ice and slips from the woman's hands every time she tries to grab hold of it. >> frustration was starting to set in. not just frustration but mild hypothermia. i wanted her to grab that basket more than anything and climb in. >> after several desperate attempts, the mother manages to get herself and her son inside. >> it was a sigh of relief to know i got them. when we get to up to the side of the aircraft. >> but as they're hoisted to the helicopter, the sergeant realizes the basket is frozen solid. >> the mother and son they come up and get next to the aircraft. the basket, the hook, the cable everything is locked with ice. so they're not coming in. i'm not going to try to pull them out of an icy basket. so i clip them to the side of the aircraft. they're covered in ice from their waist down. cold, shivering.
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>> it's a terrifying ride. but the ordeal ends as the helicopter team touches down and rushes the pair to an ambulance. of the dozen or so people trapped in their vehicles, everyone survived the disaster. for responders, it's cause for celebration. >> when the helicopters got there, it was a big relief knowing they had a chance. because at that point when we couldn't get to them, i just didn't have any idea how we were going to make that rescue. coming up, another mother and son duo gets a harsh lesson from a wild wave. >> oh, jesus. >> i knew it was not going to be a pretty ending. >> and some sailors ride too close to the edge. >> everything happened so quickly. your first thought is every man for himself. hold on. >> when you see somebody, a teammate of yours fall through a wing like that, you just never know what's going to happen. >> when "caught on camera: wet and wild" continues.
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onlookers in hawaii are horrified as a wave slams two unsuspected tourists into jagged rocks. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, jesus. >> it was obviously to everyone that watched it there was going to be a significant injury from this. >> i knew it was not going to be a pretty ending. >> in his years as an underwater videographer and conservationist, drew wheeler has had many opportunities to witness the power of the ocean firsthand. >> i have seen some very close calls here on the rocks at sharks cove. the thing is about this area on the north shore is when the waves come in, you don't know they're coming until they're there. >> february 5th, 2011. drew and a group of conservationists are keeping a
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look on the waves. >> we're here to help provide information to the public and protect the marine life area. we watch the fish and watch the people. >> in the wintertime there's a lot of visitors that come here to see the rocks with the white water. it's a common sight to have people taking photos here. >> on this particular day, a pair of tourists mother and son will get more than a view of the waves. >> when i first saw the couple walk out on the rocks i initially tried to warn them as did several other people on the shoreline. yell at them than warn them because the waves were crashing over the rocks but they of course couldn't hear us. >> the tourists are unaware that the waves in this area can be extremely unpredictable. waves are generated miles away and travel over the open ocean to the hawaiian shores. they are large, powerful, and spread far apart. for people on the beach, the water is calm one minute, but it can be a very different story the next.
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>> people come here, they watch the waves, they'll see a few smaller waves thinking that it's okay to get into the cove or the tide pools. and they don't understand that every few waves or so, two or three very large waves larger than normal that they're watching will come in. then they're in trouble. this is a very rocky area. >> it's referred to as the cheese grater by the lifeguards. the lava rock is extremely sharp and very dangerous. >> we've watched many people get hurt here. >> as the wave hits the base of the rocks, mother and son still don't realize what's about to happen. >> when the wave initially hit and he took the picture, he turns around almost happy that he got this great shot. but at that moment, i think the woman realized that they were about to get wet and she kind of crouches down but the gentleman
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just turned around and had no idea of the water that was about to come over the rocks. i informed one of the people near me to get ready to call 911. >> and just a few seconds after that, the waves came up over the rocks and took them right off the rocks. >> the wave comes up over the rocks with incredible force throwing the pair down a 12 foot drop. >> oh, jesus. >> when the wave hit him, it took him out basically from behind and knocked him across the sharp lava rocks and actually sent him over the ledge head first backwards. the woman being a little bit more prepared ended up in a seating position and sort of skipping across the rocks and down the ledge in a seating position the whole time. >> the conservation group watches helplessly. >> my initial concern was that the guy who went over head first and backwards was probably going to suffer a serious neck injury and possibly broken bones, spinal injury. >> seconds pass as the man disappears into the tide pool. when he emerges, it's clear he's
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in tremendous pain. >> when he came up out of the water he was screaming. i knew at that point he was conscious and alive. which was good. but the best thing for him would be not to move. >> several people in the tide pools rushed over to assist them. it was just minutes after that that the paramedics were here. >> the gentleman was removed from the lagoon area on a back board. as he was carried past, i could see he had significant cuts and scrapes down his sides and arms. the woman walked out on her own accord but had some lacerations on the back of her legs. >> the victims are loaded into an ambulance and taken to the hospital. where they're treated for nonlife threatening injuries. >> all in all, i think they were very lucky. people have died on these rocks before. >> oh, jesus. >> oh! a high-tech racing catamaran
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wipes out during an exhibition run and sends crew members overboard. >> it was a real quick, violent crash. when you see somebody, a teammate of yours fall through a wing like that, you just never know what's going to happen. >> june 13th, 2011. oracle racing teams debut a high speed catamaran to promote the 2013 americas cup in san francisco bay. the bay is known for some of the world's most stunning scenery, but unpredictable currents and a powerful wind tunnel through the golden gate can make for wild rides on the water. >> san francisco bay is one of the most exciting waters in the world. there's huge currents here. there's a lot of wind types. it's challenging.
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>> the multi- hull catamaran features the newest design in extremely light weight, versatile racing boats. >> the unique thing about the 35 is the wing style. it's a more aerodynamic shape. >> it races as unprecedented speeds. >> the regular boat we'll see on the bay will do probably around eight miles an hour, maybe ten. we're out there doing about 30 to 40 miles an hour. >> it's a thrilling ride, but at speeds this fast, things can change drastically in a moment. >> you have to push them to get them fast. but if you go too far, you can crash them hard. >> you get into no man zone where it becomes dangerous. they got into that zone. >> as one of the oracle boats skims the water at breakneck speed, the bow gets buried in a wave. >> it's like a surf board. if the wake goes forward and the nose goes forward, it's
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difficult to recover. >> the catamaran makes a sudden pitch and crew members are sent flying. >> everything happened so quickly because we had such big speed on this as well. from that moment, the first thing you think is every man for himself. hold on. you hear a big crash through the wing. that was a bit scary because the carbon fiber is sharp. >> they're all wearing helmets. no one is seriously hurt. >> we were sailing at a very different angle. our teammates pushed just a bit hard and ended up going for a swim. >> the coast guard pulls them in so they can take stock. luckily this time the damage is minimal. >> shore team did an amazing job fixing the wing in a short period of time. we were racing the next day. >> with the future promising bigger and faster catamarans, the stakes will be even higher.
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coming up, an unusual rescue mission. >> we were in the middle of the ocean. how did this dog get here? >> when "caught on camera: wet and wild" continues. [ male announcer ] it's that time of year again. time for citi price rewind. because your daughter really wants that pink castle thing. and you really don't want to pay more than you have to. only citi price rewind automatically searches for the lowest price. and if it finds one, you get refunded the difference. just use your citi card and register your purchase online. have a super sparkly day! ok. [ male announcer ] now all you need is a magic carriage. citi price rewind. start saving at
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a pleasant boat trip turned terrifying for a new zealand couple and their dog. >> turned very ugly. >> january 1997. paul dickinson and his girlfriend tina keegan are cruising their boat off new zealand's north island with their bull terrier priscilla. >> we were probably half an hour into our trip. >> a rogue wave shatters one of the big windows. >> at that stage the wave came over and hit the front of the boat which in turn caused the window to break and the water was coming in. priscilla was sitting there looking at me. i was looking at the waves. i was like this is quite scary.
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>> the couple sends an urgent call for help. it's picked up by the rescue team in new zealand. >> i thought here we go. what we got now. we were told it was a boat in distress and if we could go out and try to find it. >> the may day call gives a vague position. the pilot knows finding the boat will be tough. >> the helicopter actually went over us. it didn't see us because of the squalls in the water. >> it's now a nerve-racking 25 minutes since the rescue call was made. and at any moment the tormenter may sink. finally the rescue crew spots the boat. >> the boat was actually beginning to sink rather rapidly. >> alex stewart, an experienced rescue diver, is lowered from the chopper. >> when they placed me on the boat, i had about two seconds and i was off it. >> alex knows there's very little time.
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>> i shouted to tina to get into the water and for her husband to go in the dinghy and get away from the boat. >> tina doesn't want to get in the water for fear she'll lose hold of priscilla. then a wave hits the cockpit and the dog goes into the ocean. she paddles toward him. >> we were out in the middle of the ocean, how did this dog get here? here's an added problem to the situation. >> alex's first priority is rescuing tina and paul. he focuses on tina. >> meanwhile priscilla is fighting her own battle with the waves. on his third attempt, alex gets the harness around tina and they hoist her up. >> once i started to be lifted i thought this is great. this is my rescue. >> by now, the boat is nearly under water entirely. and the dog is nowhere in sight. paul is bleeding badly from a cut on his arm as alex secures
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his hoist up. the couple watches as the tormenter sinks presumably with priscilla. >> the paramedics couldn't see priscilla near the boat. it appeared all had been lost. >> but as the chopper turns to leave, the bull terrier appears clinging to the last visible piece of the tormenter. >> couldn't believe the dog was still there. i thought the dog unfortunately drowned. >> all eyes turned to alex. does he have the energy to go back down? >> i said to crewman give me 60 seconds in the water. if the dog doesn't come, we'll just have to leave her. i started calling the dog's name. she saw me and swam straightforward. >> the desperate priscilla wastes no time. >> she swam into my arms. thumbs up. get me out of here. i was in mid-air with the dog thinking you're a lucky girl. >> finally the exhausted dog
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makes it into the arms of her happy arms. coming up, a family's dream home is buried at the bottom of the river. >> i saw the first two houses go through the gorge. >> this is unbelievable, that water going. oh, my god. >> i mean, it was absolutely unbelievable. >> when "caught on camera: wet and wild" continues.
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. former president bush will not be home for christmas as planned. doctors saying he's developed a fever following a month long bronchitis-like cough. u.n. envoy gave no indication of progress in ending the conflict. and a winter storm brought freezing rain to oklahoma causing a 21 car accident this
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morning. now back to caught on camera. welcome back to "caught on camera." i'm contessa brewer. going with the flow is usually a good thing, but not when it sends your dreams down river. when disaster strikes a lakeside resort, no one is prepared for the tragedy that unfolds. june 9th, 2008. a massive flood destroys a community and washes homes down the wisconsin river. >> i thought there's just no way. that can't happen here. i remember when the rooftops went through, it was surreal. i couldn't believe it. >> almost like it was a nightmare that we were pinching ourselves hoping we'd wake up. we were. in a state of shock. we could not believe it was happening. >> it's the height of summer tourist season in the wisconsin dells, a midwestern resort area.
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>> since i was a kid we went to big chiefs and all that. >> also a quieter pace all year round. >> we wanted the perfect setting for a home which we did. >> tim and liz frams built their family's dream home on lake delton and raised their three young children on the shores. >> the entire family just absolutely loved boating. resonated well with what we wanted to do and very relaxing, peaceful. to me and my family, it was the ultimate place to live. >> but their peaceful sanctuary is disrupted on sunday june 8th. the lake levels are rising in front of their house. >> we've never seen the lake rise more than three or four inches. >> but it's not a complete surprise. for a week the entire region had been inundated with rain.
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normally lake delton's water level is regulated through nearby dams. but so much continuous rain catches everyone off guard and the lake water is rising so quickly that the family decides to take action by sandbagging their waterfront. >> we started getting sand delivered because we were concerned for our home because it kept getting higher. the kids were having a blast. they were playing in the water as it was coming up. >> it's fun and games for the kids but liz and tim fear the lake water will flood their home. >> the worst we thought would happen is that maybe the lower level would flood. but just had a sick feeling all day long. >> about midnight i remember the sand kind of came over that wall and it reached our patio within minutes. >> the time that we decided to evacuate was i think sometime around 1:30 a.m. on monday morning. >> when the frams returned by daylight, it's an alarming scene.
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the lake water has found its own exit route. it's flowing over the lake shores and downhill across the county highway. it's a serious turn of events, but could be good news for the frams. >> tim said we might be okay because it might take the water away from our home. >> but so much fast-flowing water has the rage of a locomotive and the roadway begins to crumble under the momentum. >> 5,000 pound pieces were falling into a creek newly created between the river and the lake. >> the lake water cuts a gorge through the earth to the wisconsin river. phillip white is watching from the shore and is documenting from across the lake. >> there goes that big one. wow. >> just when it looks like things can't get much worse, the unthinkable happens.
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>> there was a house i was watching from across the river. the water went around that house, took out this big pine tree that was in front of it. then took out the house. >> this is unbelievable. there it goes. holy cow. unbelievable. oh, my god. >> once it tipped in, it would hold together for a bit then caught up in the chasm of water down there and bust apart. >> onlookers watched helplessly as the unforgiving waters eat away at the land beneath neighboring homes. exposing their foundations and leaving the houses with nothing to stand on. suspended above the swirly waters. >> it turned into a level five rapids. it's unbelievable with a whirlpooling effect. just how quickly the water was moving and you had large land masses falling in. trees falling in. homes falling in.
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i mean, it was absolutely unbelievable. >> i was extremely upset because now i saw the first two houses go through the gorge and ours was the next house in line. >> it's a wrenching scene with their beloved house teetering on the edge of the shore. the frams leave to spare themselves from seeing what happens. soon after, the cherished family home built with care from the ground up slips into the water intact and floats down river as if weightless. before disappearing into the churning mud and rapids. the frams are not alone. their neighbors are away when they get news their vacation home is in danger. >> my neighbors called me and told me the house might go down.
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>> the house breaks in half. hours later, the kubinicks arrive to an unimaginable scene. >> everything was gone. house was gone. everything. >> in a mere four hours, lake delton is drained dry. the entire body of water coursing into the lower lying wisconsin river. the event ends the billion dollar industry on the lake shutting down resort areas and other businesses. for people whose hopes and retirement plans are tied to the area, the devastation couldn't be worse. >> not only did we lose the home, our land and all of our positions, we really had to start over from every perspective possible. >> rebuilding efforts began soon after the massive flood and within a year the lake is full. and businesses reopen.
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the area where the frams and others lost their homes is once again a lovely waterfront. >> this whole area is a new bay. it's now become the deepest part of the lake. that's where everyone's homes were. >> fortunately no one was in any of the homes that sank and no lives lost. but for the homeowners, sustaining such a painful personal and financial blow, it will take a long time to recover. >> when you lose it, you've lost it forever. and you'll never get it back. >> there it goes. holy cow. unbelievable. coming up, thrill seekers get burned by water and ice. >> i was very scared. i thought something could really be wrong. >> when "caught on camera: wet and wild" continues.
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>> for one minnesota teenager, a ride down a local hill ends in disaster. >> oh! >> i was very scared. i thought something could really be wrong. >> december 31st, 2005. 16-year-old shanna rasmussen is hoping to enjoy the winter wonderland outside with some friends. >> we were getting ready for a new year's eve party that night when i was invited to go sledding. it was my first time to go sledding that season.
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i was very excited. >> shanna and her pals think they found the perfect spot for snow tubing. but their excitement would soon turn to trauma. >> it was small but steep. a couple of my friends had been to the hill the day before and built a jump there. the jump was built at the very bottom of it so right when you got maximum speed, you could get as much air as possible. >> she landed it. >> the first times i saw a friend go down the hill, it looked awesome. he hit the jump and got about 20 feet of air before landing. >> next it's shanna's turn. >> go, shanna, go. >> when i started going down the hill, i wanted to stay on top of the tube. i thought as long as i would have it underneath me i would be okay. as soon as i hit the jump, i started leaning back too far. i knew i was going to have a problem. >> shanna loses control of her position and falls on her neck with the rest of her body following right behind.
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>> when i hit the ground, my upper thighs actually connected with my shoulders when i felt this big smack of my entire body collapsing in on itself. it was really painful. >> the impact is tremendous. shanna lies motionless on the ground terrified she may be seriously injured. >> i was fairly immobile. i could move my limbs but couldn't sit up. the pain only got worse. i knew i wasn't getting better. i realized i was going to need help. >> shanna's friends call an ambulance and she's immediately taken to the hospital. >> i was concerned that if anybody were to move me or pick me up that i could have a spinal cord injury. >> at the hospital shanna learns that she's broken five vertebrae in her back. >> i was devastated. of the five vertebrae i had broken, i crushed two of them and they had to be fused together with surgery the next day where they put in two rods
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and four screws to help strengthen by back and to support my spinal cord. >> after months of painful rehabilitation, shanna makes a full recovery. but she's put her sledding days behind her. >> ever since the accident, i have never been sledding again. i wouldn't tell other people not to sled. it's really fun and can definitely be a very safe activity. however, for me i think that was probably my last time. august 2010. a parasailing group heads out for the thrill of their lives. but before they leave the harbor, their boat comes under attack. >> it looked like the guy was literally trying to run over the other vessel. >> absolutely life-threatening situation. everybody on board was fearing for their life.
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>> on the southern shore of oahu, tourists flock to enjoy some of honolulu's most beautiful coastline. >> south shore of oahu here is great for parasailing and water activities because it's on the leeward side of the island and the water is generally calm and the weather is consistent. >> for 16 years, captain jamal nichols has worked on the water taking tourists out to experience the thrill of parasailing. >> this job is very rewarding. and to fulfill people's excitement on an hourly basis is awesome. >> captain nichols and his crew are trained to deal with just about every problem that arises on the water. >> my number one job is to make sure everybody knows about the safety briefings so that nobody gets injured. i basically treat all of my customers like my own children. >> but on this afternoon, captain nichols finds himself in a situation he never anticipated.
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>> as i was leaving the harbor almost to the surf break i looked to my right. and i seen a high-speed boat coming at us. >> the boat appears to be one of the local patrols which sometimes travel at high speed when responding to calls. >> last minute within 50 yards of the boat i realize that that is not a patrol boat. that was a civilian boat. and had to take action at that point. >> captain nichols swerves to avoid a collision, but the group is not out of danger yet. greg longnecker is the owner of the parasailing company and recognizes his boat from the shoreline. >> as i was driving out i saw a boat at a high rate of speed cross the stern of the man o war that jamal was operating. it didn't don on me at first. then i looked and was amazed at what i saw. >> nearby a local cameraman is filming surfers in the area and sees the commotion.
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>> what is going on? are they, like, trying to run over someone? >> within moments it becomes clear that the parasailing group is under attack. >> after he made his first pass by us after i avoided a collision, he whipped his boat around, did a 180 in the surf break and charged right back at us again. i realized that this man was deliberately trying to hit us. >> with no apparent provocation, captain nichols is shocked they've become a target. but he isn't left with much time to think. >> little bit of panic. i had to keep a clear head to protect my passengers, but it was obvious he was after us. >> with 11 other people on board and folks in the water nearby, the aggressive boat is a serious threat. >> on any given day you could have 30 to 50 surfers in the water. to see a guy shooting across there it's unusual and unsafe.
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>> my passengers were terrified. literally crying, freaking out on board. it was a situation. >> stunned by the attack, captain nichols struggles to keep his clients out of harm's way. >> this man would come after us, turn around, come back after us again aiming for the belly of the hull. this happened eight to ten times. >> there's no end in sight to the ordeal and their attacker makes hostile gestures with each new pass. captain nichols isn't sure how long he'll be able to sustain this defensive action. >> at the speed he was traveling if he had hit the boat, basically we would have sank. >> suddenly the menacing boat turns and moves in another direction. everyone on board breathes a everyone on board breathes a sigh of relief. the attack is over and the passengers are unscathed thanks to captain nichols' quick thinking. >> the whole event lasted maybe five to seven minutes.
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after numerous attempts of trying to create a collision with us, he skirted up the coast. he basically gave up. >> but the reason for the attack remains a mystery. the aggressive boater goes on to harass others in the area before being intercepted. he's indicted for terroristic threatening, but the charges are eventually dropped. >> it shouldn't be allowed to happen. it gives you a very uneasy feeling in the boating industry. we need safe boating practices so people don't get hurt. coming up, who says everything that's wet has to stay in the water? >> it's like popcorn. they're popping everywhere. they're coming straight up. they're behind us. they're on the side of us. >> and what is that? when "caught on camera: wet and wild" continues. ouncer ] it's that time of year again. time for citi price rewind. because your daughter really wants that pink castle thing. and you really don't want to pay more than you have to.
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talk about wet and wild. two fishermen in southern indiana are having the laugh of their lives. as fish soar through the air and crash land into their boat. >> i remember counting. we're at 18, man. we killed it. out of nowhere, boom. we go 19. you know? >> right in the head! >> troy mccormick and mac spainhour are hosts of a adventure and recreation show. >> welcome to indiana outdoor adventures. >> if you haven't caught it on air, it's a weekly regional tv series about two local guys having a blast doing what they love to do. the show is filmed all over indiana and during one particularly lively episode, troy and mac discover that they don't need any rods or tackle to attract fish. >> oh! >> they duck for cover as fish come to them.
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diving into the boat one after the other. >> here we go! >> it's like popcorn. they're popping everywhere. they're coming straight up. they're behind us on side of us. >> this fish story begins on a september morning in 2010. mac gets a call something unusual is happening on the river. >> some of my buddies that were on the river said you got to come over here. >> mac calls troy and they set out on a fishing expedition they will never forget. >> all of a sudden that first fish comes flying out of nowhere. passes between us, bouncing off parts of the boat. >> there's one! >> a single jumping fish is unusual. but it's not enough to shock troy or mac. but within seconds, dozens of fish start leaping out of the water in all directions. >> left side, right side, front, back, all the way across the river.
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they were just jumping everywhere around the boat. >> oh! there's one! up on my shoulder! >> the fish are so active that the guys have to protect their heads. and it's no picnic for the cameraman either. >> boom! >> hit the cameraman. nailed me in the back. >> some of the fish weigh more than 20 pounds and they're propelled by powerful tails that can launch them up to six feet in the air. the fish are asian silver carp also known as flying carp. and while their behavior looks bizarre, the jumping carp are actually responding to the boat's motor. >> it gets startled by this sound and reacts by leaping out of the water. >> look at this. >> the fish frenzy is an entertaining spectacle, but there's a serious downside too. >> this species really is
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invasive. it's not native to this water. it doesn't belong here. and it does compete with the native species for food sources. >> the voracious speed aggressively prey on sport fish making them an angler's nightmare. they're not just in these waters. the exploding population is infiltrating tributaries through the midwest and heading north towards the great lakes. within an hour, 21 fish have jumped on board the boat. mac and troy aren't planning on eating them. the guys say these carp are extremely hard to prepare correctly. and since state law forbids throwing them back in the water, troy and mac will have to dispose of them. >> that was a torpedo, man! >> the whole floor of the bottom of the boat was covered in fish. everything was covered in slime from where they were flopping around. we were covered in it. >> it's a small dent given the vast numbers of asian silver
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carp spawning in u.s. waters. troy and mac say they got 300 pounds of carp in all. and we know that's no fish tale. >> all my years of being in the outdoors hunting and fishing and boating, i've never seen anything like this. >> whoa! look at this! finally, fish aren't the only thing to come flying out of the water. one morning news program in san diego hopes to kick off its broadcast with a splash. >> we're at the san diego yacht and boat show. good morning, everybody. hanging out with my friend john. >> it starts right now. >> but the plan goes awry when the stunt man's water power jet pack launches him straight down instead of


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